Traditionally Accountants have charged by the hour. This means when you have your annual accounts prepared each year you don’t actually know what your outlay will be and additionally, the more ineffective the staff are who deal with your accounts, the more expensive the job becomes. This is illogical! It is like turning up at the airport and being told they will bill you when you get to your destination and it will depend how long it takes depending on the weather , the wind , the weight on board etc.
At Lyness Accountancy Practice Limited all assignments are completed on a fixed fee basis, we agree your investment upfront and a project only begins once you have agreed. That way you get no nasty surprises and are able to budget for your fees accordingly.
Once again the traditional approach to Accountancy often involves speaking to the client several months after the year end to arrange the accounts assignment and then produce figures and notify the client of their tax liability. It’s not even unknown for business owners to ask what they can do to mitigate their liability, only to be told “If we’d been aware of the likely profits we could have done…”
Clearly not a satisfactory outcome for any client.
Also the more profits you make, the heavier the tax burden becomes in terms of percentage of profits and it’s a source of discomfort to some of the most profitable individuals and companies that half of their earnings are lost to the tax man.
Even bonuses and dividends taken can produce liabilities of over 50% in accessing your money which can be a disincentive to grow.
At Lyness Accountancy Practice Limited we understand the need to be looking forward and planning ahead rather than the traditional way of reporting backwards. To this end by investing in either the Bizwatch or Bizdrive solution you benefit from a pre-year end review meeting to discuss the likely year end results and what can be done to mitigate the tax liability.
This meeting alone can often save well in excess of  the annual fee in terms of value.
Lyness Accountancy Practice Limited can help high earning clients  extract funds in the most tax efficient manner. Ask about our concept of tax free dividends! Our proactive approach will ensure you will have access to the very best strategies available for you to choose the level of tax to pay.
How do business owners typically think of their Accountancy service? Maybe a grudge purchase, made because the law says you have to have your accounts professionally looked at and your tax liabilities calculated and reported, so you send your books in once a year and dread the call to discuss the bad news of your tax liability.
At Lyness Accountancy Practice Limited you’ll quickly realise you’ll have a completely different experience with an Accountant who wants to help you drive yourself towards the goals you have for yourself. A wise man once said “What you can measure you can manage” and that is something that applies to you personally as well as your business.
That’s why when you work with Lyness Accountancy Practice Limited you will have access to one of the most powerful wealth management systems available today. Within your own online portal you’ll have somewhere to plug in all of your assets and liabilities in one place to give you a real-time consolidated view of your entire financial world.
We will be able to work with you using your portal’s powerful tools to set your goals, track your spending and see how your progressing on your journey.
The system will even track and categorise your spending so you’ll know exactly where your money goes. Whatever your ambition we have the tools to help get you there!
Running a business can be a lonely place. You look within yourselves for ideas to develop the next successful strategy or tactic to help your business succeed but what when you’ve exhausted your own ideas. For some the  next step is the often expensive investment in a business coach or others just continue along the same path as before.
Lyness Accountancy Practice Limited can bring you the new ideas you want and need to push your business forward. When you become a client you can have  access to an end to end business growth system for small and medium sized businesses.
A proven system that has helped in excess of 250,000 businesses of all shapes and sizes from every industry all over the world that will help YOU attract more leads, convert more leads into sales and truly maximise the value from your existing customers!
Through working with Lyness Accountancy Practice Limited you will be able to discover what has been called the SOLUTION for every small to medium sized business looking to grow fast and increase their sales and profits!
Obviously it’s impossible to say what issues may crop up for you in the future and how often you would benefit from asking the advice of your Accountant. But Accountants, just like other professionals, still have a reputation for starting the clock every time you either call or meet with them making your investment higher and higher.
As a client of Lyness Accountancy Practice Limited you will benefit from unlimited meetings with the appropriate members of our team and you will NEVER be charged for either those meetings or telephone calls.Â
You can have absolute confidence in your ability to call us whenever you need us without fear of a big bill. What would be worse than not taking advice from your advisor because you needed to keep costs down?
Should a meeting lead to an assignment being necessary that is beyond the scope of our normal agreement, such as a business plan or cash flow projections to obtain funding , then it will of course be necessary to agree an additional fee but even then you will receive an Extra Work Order and work will not commence until you have signed in agreement, thus continuing our no surprises policy.Â
More and more businesses and individuals have found themselves at the centre of HM Revenue and Customs investigations in recent years sometimes even though there are no real grounds for investigating.
There are now a large number of random investigations. On occasions after extensive questioning the Revenue end up agreeing there is no tax to pay, which means it costs the business no extra money does it?
Well actually it can do, you see your accountant can spend many hours defending your corner running up large bills for handling the investigation.
Lyness Accountancy Practice Limited offer one of the best Professional Fee Protection Insurance products on the market today, covering your fees in the event of investigation from HM Revenue & Customs giving you the piece of mind that not only are your affairs in safe hands but you are not amassing any large professional fee bills.
Ask your potential Accountant about what Guarantees they will give you? Most will probably look at you with a blank stare or start talking about Professionally produced Accounts- surely this should go  without saying if you are using an Accountant?
You will have a 100% Â Risk Free Guarantee as a client of this Practice.
Use our services and we are so  confident we will deliver exactly the service agreed with you so we provide you with a 100% Risk Free Guarantee.
If at any time you are not completely happy with our work please discuss it with us. If we really can't sort the issue for you then don't pay for the part you're not happy with. Ask for it at any time within 7 days of the invoice and we will refund the part you are not happy with.
This means...
- No small print;
- No quibbles;
- No exceptions;
- No strings;
- And no arguments or fee disputes.
In return for you trusting us with your work, we trust you to be the judge of it. Please tell us if you are not satisfied and don't hesitate to recommend us to others if you are!